Wholesale Pumpkins

Jack-o'-lantern, heirloom, specialty, white, pie, giant, and miniature pumpkins and gourds. Every shape, size, and color.

Callahan Creek Pumpkins

Family-owned wholesale pumpkin farm serving the central United States, including Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Colorado, South Dakota, and North Dakota.

Callahan Creek Pumpkins Logo

Contact Callahan Creek Pumpkins for all of your wholesale pumpkin needs. We supply businesses, such as retail pumpkin patches, garden centers, nurseries, landscapers, and produce stands, as well as organizations and consumers with wholesale pumpkins of the highest quality for retail, events, and fundraisers. Our jack-o'-lantern, heirloom, specialty, white, pie, giant, and miniature pumpkins and gourds are available early September through the Halloween season with numerous delivery options. Place your order for this fall today. Callahan Creek Pumpkins is located in eastern Nebraska halfway between Lincoln and Omaha near I-80. We are a family-owned wholesale pumpkin supplier serving the central United States, including Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Illinois, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Colorado, South Dakota, and North Dakota.


Jack-o'-lantern Pumpkins

At Callahan Creek Pumpkins, we take pride in the quality of our award-winning jack-o'-lantern pumpkins. We grow many different jack-o'-lantern varieties in order to offer our customers a wide selection of sizes and shapes of pumpkins. In addition to the traditional, proven varieties that we grow every year, we also work directly with the pumpkin seed companies to ensure that we are always testing out their new hybrids, looking for the next top seller.

We offer palletized bins of small, medium, large, and extra-large (XL) jack-'o-lantern pumpkins. Pumpkin sizes and counts per bin vary each year with growing conditions, so contact us for this seasons numbers.

Heirloom & Specialty Pumpkins

Heirloom pumpkins and winter squash are a specialty of Callahan Creek Pumpkins. We produce over 30 different varieties of heirloom and specialty pumpkins and winter squash each year. Our varieties always include the traditional favorites, such as Cinderella (Rouge vif d'Etampes), Jarrahdale, Long Island Cheese, Fairytale (Musque de Provence), Italian Sea Pumpkins (Marina di Chioggia), and Peanut Pumpkins (Galeux d’Eysines).

But in addition to the traditional varieties, we also offer exotic heirloom and specialty pumpkins and winter squash. Each year we research, grow, and evaluate new varieties (and we are always taking requests for next year). Contact us for this year's list of our heirloom and specialty pumpkins.

White Pumpkins

At Callahan Creek Pumpkins we grow both round and flat / stackable white pumpkins. The varieties of white pumpkins we grow are selected for their bright white color. We can supply bins of white pumpkins that are all round, all flat / stackable, or mixed.

Pie Pumpkins

Always a top seller, pie pumpkins are great for baking and cooking (although, you should also try baking/cooking with heirloom pumpkins and winter squash - you won't be disappointed), and they'll keep for quite a long time if stored properly. Pie pumpkins are also very popular for decorating and giveaways. Many pumpkin patches give away pie pumpkins during school field trips, etc. Pie pumpkins are great for activities with both kids, such as painting, and adults who are still kids at heart, such as Punkin Chunkin.

At Callahan Creek Pumpkins, we grow a selection of different pie pumpkin varieties. Pie pumpkin sizes and counts per bin vary each year with growing conditions, so contact us for this season's numbers.

Miniature Pumpkins & Gourds

At Callahan Creek Pumpkins, we grow mixed miniature pumpkins (minis) and gourds. We produce orange, white, and orange/white striped miniature pumpkins. We also grow a wide variety of gourds. Our gourds and miniature pumpkins are available in mixed palletized bins.

Giant Pumpkins

We love growing giant pumpkins! Why? Because who doesn't love a giant pumpkin? Exactly - nobody - they're awesome... We grow a number of varieties of giant pumpkins each season and are able to supply full bins or individual pumpkins if you need just a couple of giant pumpkins to go along with the rest of your wholesale order.

We'd love to hear from you!

For pricing, availability, or any questions regarding our pumpkins, please send us a message using the form below or give us a call at 402.944.2585.